Speaker Spotlight – Shelly Peacock

shellyShelly Peacock, @Spinbird, has been in sales and graphic design since 2001, moving focus to include Social Media Management and Marketing in 2007. She built her first website in 2009- as a way to make her designs “do stuff”, and as a portfolio for her art business, ShellyPeacock.com. Shucked it all to run The SpinBird Group, a WordPress boutique agency specializing in consulting and design. She likes short walks on the beach, cabanas, and shooting opossums off her back deck with her shotgun. Mantra: Life is short- GET #FIERCE WITH IT.

Shelly will be giving a talk entitled “Frameworks For Freelancers – Double Time IT!“.

What’s been your best experience with WordPress?

The Community- by far!

Tell us a bit about your WordCamp Ottawa talk.

Beginners to intermediate users – mainly those that are looking for information on how to streamline their development/design process.

What’s your favourite thing about attending WordCamps?

Networking and meeting new people

What’s exciting you about WordPress in 2016?

Taking my business to a whole new level!

Recommend one to three people in the WordPress world to follow on social media!

Chris Lema, Tom McFarlin, Carl Alexander

About meagan hanes

Digital Designer of Interactive Internet things. Past: Carleton University, IBM, Epiphan, Solace. 3 of 4 are now Solid WordPressin' To The Future. Current: WordPress, indieweb, Web0.club, Bluesky, and retrofitting Pies into All You Can Eat Buffets of Good Wordy Knowledge!
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