Speaker Spotlight – Michal Bluma


Michal Bluma is a Montreal freelance developer who loves WordPress, code, cats and metaphors.

Passionate about trying to help make developers’, designers’ and users’ lives easier; he love helping people have “Aha!” moments.

You can find him on Twitter as @isotrope (https://twitter.com/isotrope/), on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/isotrope.net/ or at his site https://isotrope.net/ (He swears he’ll update it at some point! editor’s note: sure you will Michal, sure you will! 😀).

Come say Hi!

Michal will be giving a talk entitled “The Chop-up Diaries“.

What’s been your best experience with WordPress?

Discovering the wonderful community of people. From complete beginners to advanced developers, everyone is always so friendly and helpful. I feel like everyone wants the others to succeed.

Tell us a bit about your WordCamp Ottawa talk.

One of the pain points in the usual “Design/Chop-up/Developer” flow can be communicating the needs of the design as well as preparing easy-to-use mockups. The easier it is to chop-up the PSD, the easier it will be for the developer to do her or his job.

I’ve been doing this for a while and would like to give the designers a few tips and tricks that I’ve picked up along the way that will help the developer down the line be able to accomplish their tasks.

At the same time, the person doing the chop-up might be very technical but not as familiar with the designer’s tools. I’d like to give them a few methods that could help them as well.

What’s your favourite thing about attending WordCamps?

The people! I love meeting new people in our small corner of the web. It’s also a great opportunity to catch with fellow colleagues and friends.

What’s exciting you about WordPress in 2016?

The REST API is definitely on my radar. I really need to get on that ASAP. I have a feeling that using ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_add_[function]’ for day-to-day needs on the front-end will soon be as old school as listening to Run-DMC on a boombox.

Recommend one to three people in the WordPress world to follow on social media!

You should definitely check out Carl Alexander ( https://twitter.com/twigpress ). He’s been trying to elevate everyone’s PHP game with passion and fervor. We need more genii like him to help us move forward in our practices. Follow him or sign up for his newsletter ( https://carlalexander.ca/newsletter/ ) and I guarantee that you will be leveling up your skills!

Total disclosure: They’re sort of my extended family. But I really love that I get to be part of The WP Crowd ( http://www.thewpcrowd.com/ ). I know I’m cheating by offering a whole group of people, but.. well… They deserve it!

About meagan hanes

Digital Designer of Interactive Internet things. Past: Carleton University, IBM, Epiphan, Solace. 3 of 4 are now Solid WordPressin' To The Future. Current: WordPress, indieweb, Web0.club, Bluesky, and retrofitting Pies into All You Can Eat Buffets of Good Wordy Knowledge!
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